Social Democrats are confronted by massive egg attacks in Prague

Social Democrats are confronted by massive egg attacks in Prague
Exministr financí Bohuslav Sobotka a expremiér Jiří Paroubek uprostřed palby.
Přímý zásah. Schytal to manažer a exministr obrany Jaroslav Tvrdík.
Foto: Jan Langer
Jan Langer
28. 5. 2009 9:38

Egg throwers once again bombarded the Social Democrats' rally in Prague on Wednesday with dozens of eggs hurled at the speakers, including ČSSD Leader Jiří Paroubek. Skirmishes broke out between ČSSD supporters and opponents with police detaining 16 people. But ČSSD speakers withstood the egg foray and finished their speeches.


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