Czech Men to use EU presidency to voice their rights

Aktuálně.cz national reporters
16. 9. 2008 10:30
The Association asks PM Topolánek to found committee
We want to be here too, Czech Men tell the EU Parliament
We want to be here too, Czech Men tell the EU Parliament | Foto: Reuters

Praha -The Association of Czech Men would like to use the Czech Republic´s EU presidency to establish their rights.

The association sent a letter to Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek (Civic Democrat) asking him to found a committee for men's rights, which would serve as a counterpart to the existing Committee for Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities.

The Czech Men Association believes both committees should be represented in the European Parliament, not just one for women.

"The goal of the Committee for Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities is to promote women's rights. It transpires from activities and employed policies of the Committee that they do not deal with men's rights at all," said Jiří Šolc, president of the Association of Czech Men.

Only one man

The association argues that the Committee for Women's Rights employs only one man alongside 39 women.

The association, with 18,000 members at the moment, has also addressed elected representatives in both chambers of Czech parliament, asking them to establish a Committee for Men's Rights.

The Association of Czech Men also refuses to accept quotas for women for election ballots, or a compulsory percentage of women represented on executive boards of companies, which has been established in Norway.


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